‘Urgent’ to reach agreement on loan for Greece, says IMF

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The Guardian — It is “urgent” to reach an agreement on a loan program for Greece but a commitment is still required from Athens on reforms and from Europe on debt relief, a senior IMF official said on Friday.

“It is urgent that we agree on a program and that we conclude these discussions because it’s taking a toll on the Greek economy,” Poul Thomsen, head of the IMF’s European department, said. “There is no doubt about that, it’s serious.

Talks between Greece, the International Monetary Fund and the eurozone have dragged on for many months. But Athens needs a fresh infusion of funds soon to make its debt payments due in July.

On thursday Cristine Lagarde said that her meeting with greek finance minister Tsakalotos was “constructive“. The meeting took place to prepare  the return of the technical team  to Athens “to discuss the two legs of the Greece program: policies and debt relief.