Today Friday, Kalyves is expected to return to normality after the completion of road resurfacing and repairs to the sewage network that obstructed the only road though the village for several weeks. “The long needed resurfacing of Kalyves approach as well as the main street in Kalyves itself, a €700k region funded project, will – in combination of other planned upgrading of Kalyves such as the marina and the sewage treatment – will change the face of Kalyves” said Mayor Koukianakis, “and will attract more visitors from home an abroad”.
Mr Koukianakis said that the last time any resurfacing work was done in Kalyves was 30 years ago and that is worth the small amount of inconvenience that it has caused. Mr Koukianakis stressed that the council arranged to carry out essential sewage work before the resurfacing to minimise damage to the newly laid road. The road resurfacing of the municipal road leading from the main road to the Kalyves winery is going to start in the next few days, the mayor added.
Now, all that remains to be done is to take some action to address the serious traffic and parking problems of the village which potentially can drive away more people than the road improvements can attract.