The list of prior actions related to the disbursement of the 2 billion euro tranche is expected to be determined on Friday, once determined, these actions will be presented to the Eurogroup, on October 5th. This information was received from a senior eurozone official, on Thursday adding that the first evaluation of terms will start in middle October.
In addition, he said, the discussion on the second list of prior actions for the disbursement of the next 1.0 billion euro tranche will have started. The first evaluation should be completed by November 15th as it is a prior action for the disbursement of an additional 15 billion euros, provided in the July 12th agreement for banks, if considered necessary. The same official noted that social security reforms will probably be included in the first evaluation.
Monday’s Eurogroup with the participation of Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos and Alternate Finance Minister George Chouliarakis will focus on the new government’s policy while the issue of the Greek debt will not be discussed.